Monday, September 30, 2019

Judas at the Jockey Club

As an American in the late 1800's, owning a farm was not too uncommon, especially if that farm was located in Mexico. At this time, though, Mexico was in the Porfirian Era (1876-1911). In this certain era, Mexico was being encountered by two very different cultures at the same time: the industrial, and the traditional. These distinctively separate cultures impacting Mexico made it as what can be described as â€Å"backwards† in a sense, as Mexico was practically regressing as the world around it was moving on to bigger and better things.Mexico was so behind that â€Å"many had concluded that Mexico had yet to advance beyond chipped rocks as utensils. † (p. 67). Mexico at this time had locked itself in a stagnancy of its own traditions. The people were simply too anxious towards newer technology to move ahead and replace what they had known for so long. In Mexico at this time, stones were used for nearly every operation executed by the natives. Women that would hand-grin d the meal for tortillas still used a stone roller and slab for the job.They would then take the tortillas and place them upon a hot rock, as stoves were unheard-of at this time. The houses that they lived in also represented the backwardness of the era, as they seemed to replicate that of an Aztec or early Spanish hut with its flat top and adobe construction. In these houses, the Mexicans lacked all types of furniture, even a bed. For sleep, they used what were called petates, which were simple mats to sleep on. They also did not possess any means of heating or cooling, so all resources that they had were to be utilized in many ways.As far as the implementation of new technology goes, Mexico was very stubborn to say the least. As written in the book, â€Å"In near disbelief, a New York Times reporter wrote that Mexicans scarcely understood the use of the wheel. † (p. 72), so it is not entirely difficult to believe that Mexico was still in an ancient lifestyle. Because of thi s lack of transportation technology, many Mexicans at the time would use mules as well as men to transport freight across distances.This was a huge representation of the stunted technological growth that Porfirian Mexico possessed. Another great vision of Mexico's poorly adaptive society was the plow. This plow was described as being â€Å"a long tree branch, with a crook, sometimes faced with an iron, serving as the plowshare. † (p. 72). It also is told to be ox-powered, hooked up to its horns, making it unreliable and at most times inefficient. It was also awfully bad for the ox, as it made the creature push and strain on its neck muscles.On the ranches that did however import plows from the United States, one handle would be removed to replicate the traditional tool that was still used, rather than learning to use the newer and better improved one. Other Agricultural tools were not used in Mexico either, further representing the stubbornness Mexicans possessed toward chang e. Wheat was still harvested by a sickle, rather than a smooth blade. The wheat was not caught by a cradle either, virtually creating more work for the Mexicans overall. No tools were used to thresh the wheat either.Instead, â€Å"the grain was threshed by spreading it in a corral and allowing the animals to trample it for two or three days. † (p. 73). By the time the process was complete, dirt and animal filth was mixed in with the product, making it very much unsanitary. Not only were these Mexicans stubborn to adapting the new technologies, they were hostile as well. After one hacendado had learned that the thresher machine was much more effective and practical, the village priest had declared that it was â€Å"possessed by the devil and forbade the peons to work with it.† (p. 73); the American owner of this machine had to have it exported out of the area to prevent it from being destroyed. Despite the unholy declarations of priests, many villagers naturally opposed using the machines because they left the straw â€Å"whole†. On top of this resistibility to change, the farmers who grew such crops were ignorant to the fact of rotating and resting the fields. They just did not understand the scientific ways that were upon them.One of the next biggest appearances of the ignorance and stubborn acts of Mexican workers at this time was the views they held on the basic tools of the Yankees. As the new technologies of shovels and wheelbarrows were being brought into Mexico, they were being completely disregarded. When Mexicans needed to transfer or transport the earth, they would use what was called a horn scoop, and dump their collected dirt into a leather bag for transportation rather than throwing shovelfuls into a wheelbarrow.An example of wheelbarrow use is told as the following: â€Å"one laborer working on the church loaded his wheelbarrow with bricks, lifted it onto his head, and trudged over to the masons. After emptying it, he replac ed the wheelbarrow on his head and returned to the brick pile for another load. † (p. 74). All means of irrigation were done by transferring the water by means of a pot or bucket. Sometimes other ways were implemented as well, but nonetheless, these was were too known to be dated back to ancient times.The simplicity of it was so neanderthal in style that its told that these methods of irrigation were derived from those used on the Nile hundreds of years before, and not improved on since. Mining as well was un-influenced by the evolving technologies, as the mines hardly differed from what they had been over past years. The workers would dig into the hillside, and use long poles, generally 8-10 feet in length, to escape in and out of the mine. The tools the actual miners utilized was a steel-tipped iron rod, rather than the contemporary pick of the modern age.These drillers, or barrateros, were known as the elite society of the underground, also being paid much better than other s. As far as the ore-transferring process went, it was very dangerous, in the fact of ascending up these wooden poles to the surface. Its said that the workers would rest the bag filled with ore, usually around 150-200 pounds, on his back and begin the ascent. It's also said that the carrier would often have to hold the bag steady with one hand to prevent it from falling, climbing and retaining balance with the other.The process Mexicans used for processing the ore was also deemed very inefficient and mediocre, as â€Å"one engineer estimated that using these techniques Mexican miners took away about 60 percent of the metal contained in the raw ore. † (p. 76). Mexicans also sported yet another downfall, as they relied on rawhide as a crutch for and any all repairs. â€Å"Thongs yoked the plow to the ox, bound cargoes on the backs of mules, stitched together everything that could be laced, tied rails to fence posts, and held rafters in place.† (p. 76).That previous sent ence pretty much sums it up- the idea that â€Å"what a Mexican could not do with rawhide was not worth doing. † (p. 76). Mexicans had virtually eliminated the need for any sort of pins or nails in their society. However, though this rawhide-repairing technique was useful on many things, it would not be accepted let alone effective on machinery. Their means of repair through rawhide put them at a handicap had a repair been needed for any sort of machine, especially one made from cast iron.When a problem like this would emerge, the Mexicans would simply toss that machine aside and no longer worry about it. This furthermore reinforced the ignorance to technology that Mexicans sported. Mexico in this period of time was very much behind technologically. They did not induce change, nor did they embrace it if it was placed in front of them. They faced many disadvantages in the Porfirian Era because of this, but yet, they were not stagnant in their duties. The Mexicans, still using the ancient practices that have been long used by their ancestors, would get the job done.Their work ethic was definitely an admirable one, but the shame of it overall is to think that they could've gotten so much more done had they not been so single-minded toward new technologies. This obvious stubbornness sent them into the regression, or â€Å"backwardness† that they were known for at the time, strongly reinforced by the idea that â€Å"if it's not broken, don't fix it. † Eventually, though, Mexico at this time would be attacked by the Porfirian Liberals, who posted restrictions upon the church and seized lands in attempt to â€Å"modernize† the so very far-behind Mexicans.In response to the attacks, â€Å"these Mexicans under siege confronted modern life in the countryside and the city, and fought to preserve their customs†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 88). Mexicans of this time were just not going to cave in to any foreign force, whether it be a change in technologie s, or a change in customs. They were very stubborn and strong-willed with their beliefs, regardless of who or what was threatening them. That clearly demonstrates why Mexico is not necessarily a place to implant new technologies, especially ones that attempt to improve on their own previous traditions.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Literature Review on Domestic Violence

What Makes a Person Violent: Literature Review Since the beginning of the human race, domestic violence has been present. However, it was not until recent centuries that people began to look at it as a crime. To many people, in many cultures, domestic violence was seen as not only acceptable, but necessary in some situations. In a study conducted by Hines and Saudino (2002), domestic violence in close, intimate relationships is a country wide problem within the United States. The last nationally conducted survey found that an estimated 16 percent of married Americans experienced domestic violence within the previous year.That means that approximately 8. 7 million couples have been affected by domestic violence (Hines, Saudino 2002). Information also indicated that out of the couples that experienced domestic violence, 3. 4 million received severe injury. However, this is a problem that reaches far beyond our shores. This is a crisis that has plagued nations all around the world. Amon g various studies, the majority of research focuses on the social learning theory, physiological factors, and alcohol on a person’s likelihood of becoming an offender of domestic violence.Social Learning Theory In recent years, studies involving domestic violence have placed the spot light on the power of being socially learned in violent behaviors. Within the criminal justice field, the domestic violence theory suggest that abuse is a behavior that is taught and picked up from learned experiences within the persons family or society in which they were, or are surrounded (Kernsmith 2006). The study of Intergenerational transmission has become one of the most popular theories to domestic violence (Corvo 2006).In a study done by Kernsmith (2006), a written survey was given to only English-speaking people, that were patients in prevention programs throughout Los Angelo’s County , California. Amongst the fifteen centers chosen to participate, 52. 6 percent of those who res ponded were men and 47. 4 percent of those who responded were women. The study considered different variables including whether or not the participant had ever witnessed or been a victim of domestic violence. The results found that about 74 percent f the participants had witnessed some form of domestic violence as a child. Of those, 70 percent said that they witnessed emotional abuse and 61 percent witnessed physical abuse. In addition to witnessing violence, 68 percent of the participants admitted to being victims of child abuse themselves. Of those, 64 percent reported emotional violence and 53 percent reported physical violence. Domestic violence within previous relationships was also prevalent; around 60 percent reported being victimized by a previous partner.According to the findings in Kernsmith’s (2006) experiment, a high number of the participants that were examined learned their abusive demeanor through previous experience within families of domestic violence. This s tudy also found fewer that 3 percent of the participants admitted to never being exposed to domestic violence, including that of emotional or physical childhood abuse. These same participants said that they had never witnessed any form of sexual violence or domestic violence within their family of origin.This study found that the impact of assault of any form as a child has a huge impact on an individual as an adult. A journal article by Hines and Saudino (2002) says that within a lifetime, on average, fifty percent of all male and female Americans will be victims of aggression from their intimate partner. They proclaim that the most popular explanation for the conveyance of domestic violence must be awarded to the social learning theory. One of the most accurate theories as to why people choose to be violent in their adult years is due to their exposure to violence as a child (Hines, Saudino 2002).Hines and Saudino (2002) also mention that in the earliest studies performed to measu re violence, children who were punished through the means of physical abuse were significantly more likely to continue that behavior into their own families. Weldon and Gilchrist (2012) interviewed six male perpetrators serving prison sentences in Scotland. They asked the offenders general questions about their thoughts and feelings in regards to violence. They also included questions about each offenders past and childhood experiences.The most common answer given by the perpetrators was that violence was normal to them (Weldon and Gilchrist 2012). It was something that they were used to and had seen many times. These findings however, did not only apply to intimate relationships, but rather to life in general. They exhibited violent behaviors throughout their life. Overall, studies that focus on the power of the social learning theory, have found that there is a strong correlation between witnessing or being victim to abuse in childhood, and being violent towards your intimate part ner in adulthood.Physiological Factors Research on domestic violence has focused on several areas which are believed to play a role in explaining abusive behavior. The first area discussed is a predisposition to increased heart response to slight agitation. Lavinia et. al. (2010) describes a study that calculated physiology factors on a person’s predisposition to aggression in intimate relationships. The study looked at physiological reactivity, which is defined as changes to a person’s body brought about by a stimulus.The study found that individuals that are antisocial and violent are more likely to be predisposed to being abusive to their partner. To prove their findings, they found abusive males to interview. The males had to be seriously violent ranging from shoving to weapons. They also must have been abusive six or more times to be included in the study. They also found an equal amount of non-violent partner’s to interview as well. The experiment involved the participation of not only the males, but the participant’s partner as well. They experiment had the couple talk about two things in which typically provoked discourse.While the conversation was in progress, the researchers measured the both party’s heart rate, pulse transmission to finger, and the amplitude of finger pulse. However, the study did not find any increase in the violent husbands compared to that of non-violent husbands. Nevertheless, the wives of the violent partner exhibited an increase in finger pulse amplitude and finger pulse transit time than that of the non-violent partners. The study suggested that, due to the increase in pulse, wives of abusive husbands experience heightened feelings of rage, sadness, worry and fear (Lavinia et. l. 2010). This study shows that research does not support that abusive partner’s experience heightened cardiovascular response to discourse compared to that of non-violent partner. In a different study, Shorey e t al. (2011) discusses how much genetically predisposition to trait anger plays a role in female aggression towards their male partner. In the context of this study, trait anger is defined as the genetic predisposition to respond in anger when placed in situations involving large amounts of stress.The study found that there was indeed a correlation between women that suffered from trait anger and those that were prone to express violence towards their partner. The individuals were asked to give their information such as age, salary, ethnicity, whether or not they were married, and the length of time that they have been in their current relationship. The same participants were then given a test called State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) (Shorey et al. 2011). This was used to review the participant’s trait anger.The women were asked questions about themselves in order to see if they usually feel angry. The questions were answered on a scale from one to four in (one b eing not at all, and four being very often). The test was proven to be accurate. When examining the results, the researchers found that 58 percent of the women struggle with trait anger. This proves that Shorey’s et al. (2011) prediction about the direct correlation with inherited trait anger to physical and psychological abuse was accurate. This study (Shorey 2011) serves to prove that our genetics and physiological response are involved in how we act.Some people are more prone to violence due to inherited anger. This makes it much more difficult for them to control their inclination to be violent towards the ones they love. This does not make committing crimes by any means acceptable, however it does give law enforcement something to consider when dealing with cases involving domestic violence. Each of these two studies considering the physiological ramifications on behavior have shown that there is more to the criminal than just deviance. For some, it is a part of their bo rn instinct. AlcoholIn the criminal justice field, it is universally known that alcohol tends to be a factor in most of the crimes that people commit. McKinney et al. (2012) mentions that there has been a consistent link between the alcohol outlet and domestic violence. One of the largest reasons for intimate partner violence is the abundance of alcohol consumption (McKinney et al. 2012). Testa and colleagues (2011) say that men who drink heavily are at a much higher risk factor to be abusive towards their intimate partner. They say that just one partner using alcohol can significantly increase the likelihood of domestic violence.In a study (Livingston 2010) preformed in Australia, researchers found that 25 percent to 50 percent of all domestic violence cases involved the use of alcohol. This study that suggests that limiting the availability of alcohol would then reduce the amount of domestic violence. This particular experiment incorporates a longitudinal relationship among domest ic violence and the amount of alcohol that is available within specific neighborhoods. The study used 186 different postal codes from around Melbourne, Australia. This sample represented around 85 percent of all of the Melbourne population.They examined the alcohol sales from each of those postal codes to see if there was a positive correlation between increased sale of alcohol and an increase in domestic violence. Livingston (2010) collected the data involving domestic violence from the Victorian Police Services. The raw data was taken from the Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP). All of the data is in regards to family incidents between the years 1996-2005. One factor that must remain under the spotlight is that not all cases of domestic violence were reported or responded to by the police.They performed a cross-sectional longitudinal study. The results found that there was a small, yet highly significant positive correlation between the increased sale of alcohol and an incr ease in domestic violence. Waller and her colleagues (2012) preformed a study that focused on effects of alcohol sales and the rate of domestic violence within a large demographic areas. This study included people involved in an intimate relationship, but not necessarily married. They hypothesized that alcohol use would be directly and indirectly correlated with domestic violence within intimate relationships.The study (Waller et al. 2012) took students from Wave III of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health which was preformed originally in 2001 to 2002. The sample consisted on 52 middle schools and 80 high schools. They used ordered sampling methods for selection. The study tried to get responses from all students that were originally in Wave III, however the response rate was only around 77. 4 percent. They were administered questions via laptops. The study included questions about how often they felt threatened, hit, injured, etc. n the past year by their partner. Once that information was obtained from the participants, the researchers collected the data of alcohol outlets in those individual’s neighborhoods. They also measured the participant’s consumption of alcohol within that previous year. However, after collecting the data, the researchers found no bivariate relationship between the use of alcohol and the likelihood of domestic violence. Although there are many statistics that claim that alcohol affects the like hood of intimate partner violence, we have seen that may not always be the case.Over all, research shows that alcohol consumption increases one’s risk of domestic violence, but as seen in the study conducted by Waller and her colleagues, not all studies come up with that same conclusion. References Corvo, K. (2006). Violence, separation, and loss in the families of origin of domestically violent men. Journal of Family Violence, 21(2), 117-125. doi: 10. 1007/s10896-005-9011-1 Hines, D. , & Saudino, K. (2002) . Intergenerational transmission of intimate partner violence: A behavioral genetic perspective. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 3, 210-225. doi: 10. 177/15248380020033004 Kernsmith, P. (2006). Gender differences in the impact of family of origin violence on perpetrators of domestic violence. Journal of Family Violence, 21(2), 163-171. doi: 10. 1007/s10896-005-9014-y Lavinia, P. , Sullivan, E. , Rosenbaum, A. , Wyyngarden, N. , Umhau, J. , Miller, M. , & Taft, C. (2010). Biological correlates of intimate partner violence perpetration. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15(5), 387-398. Livingston, M. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violence. Addiction Research Report, 106, 919-925. oi: 10. 1111/j. 1360-0443. 2010. 03333. x McKinney, C. , Chartier, K. , Caetano, R. , & Harris, T. (2012). Alcohol availability and neighborhood poverty and their relationship to binge drinking and related problems among drinkers in committed relationships. Journal on Interp ersonal Violence, 27(13), 2703-2727. doi: 10. 1177/0886260512436396 Shorey, R. , Brasfield, H. , Jeniimarie, F. & Stuart, G. (2011). The association between impulsivity, trait anger, and the perpetration of intimate partner and general violence among women arrested for domestic violence.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(13), 2681-2697. doi: : 10. 1177/0886260510388289 Waller, M. , Iritani, B. , Christ, S. , Clark, H. , Moracco, K. , Halpern, C. , & Flewelling, R. (2011). Relationships among alcohol outlet density, alcohol use, and intimate partner violence victimization among young women in the united states. Journal of Interpersoanl Violence, 27(10), 2062-2086. doi: 10. 1177/0886260511431435 Weldon, S. , & Gilchrist, E. (2012). Implicit theories on intimate partner violence offenders. J Fam Viol, published online. doi: 10. 1007/s10896-005-9014-y

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Schedule and Cost Control Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Schedule and Cost Control Techniques - Essay Example Project Evaluation and Review Technique or PERT as it is called is a model of project management which is basically designed to analyze and represent various tasks related with the project management. CPM or critical path method is the technique developed by DuPont essentially to address the issue of shutting down the plants and then restarting them. In its essence CPM models the activities and events of a project as a network. (NetMBA, 2008) This therefore provides a graphical overview of the project and the project is seen as a series of visualizations of the various interconnected activities related with the project. A) PERT and CPM both view projects as a group of activities which are complex as well as sequential in nature. However both the models also outline some of the activities which can be performed parallel also. B) Both the methodologies consider a project as a series of events which can be performed in order to achieve the desired goals of the project however what is different between the two approaches is the fact that there remains a high degree of uncertainty regarding the completion of project related activities. PERT though is a good method but lacks a clear path to define the timelines attached to various activities of the project. C) One of the most important and a basic difference between the two approaches is the fact that PERT view the project related activities and time association with them as random variables whereas CPM demands a clear, singe deterministic value for each activity related with the project. Thus in doing so both the techniques, if used for project estimation ad scheduling would view both the activities in different time dimensions. For our proposed project of the new email integration, both the tools can be effectively utilized however what is most important is the fact that given the scope and limitations

Friday, September 27, 2019

Criminal Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminal Theories - Essay Example The difficulty in committing the crime also counts, as well as whether the rewards are worth the effort and even the best place to commit the crime, within his neighborhood or elsewhere. If the risks perceived are small, the rewards and excitement high, the criminal gains the likelihood of committing the crime again. On the other hand, if the risks outweigh the rewards, the offender foregoes the crime: if they have a good chance of apprehension, the fear of punishment or consequences, damage to their reputation and feelings of guilt or shame (Cole, Smith and DeJong 64). Other evaluations include familiarity with the target and how easy it is to commit the crime. In this theory, the criminal uses opportunistic everyday routines that involve the family such as shopping, work, leisure, and schooling. These, together with factors such as lack of a guardian, the presence of a target and the motivated criminal are the context for criminal opportunities (Siegel 71). The guardian’s presence would deter potential offenders from committing the crime for instance door staff, security guards, police patrols, neighbors, and friends. The target should be accessible and may include an expensive car, goods that can be easily moved or expensive jewelry, while the offender may be an addict, teenage boys or unemployed people. These three elements must be present within a routine activity for crime to take place (Schmalleger 182). For instance, many homes are left unguarded during the day, making them targets of crime. The possibility of a crime being committed by the motivated offender increases when there are an accessible target and the absence of a c apable guardian.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management Accounting - Essay Example Well whatever the reason is, it is surely time that we sit down, assess and analyse the system as a whole and try coming out with both, a reason and a solution for all this happening. Arguably the main reason of reaching such a unpleasant situation is that, major stakeholders, whether it’s the big companies or the government, they have mainly focussed on short term achievement and plans rather than analysing, assessing and planning for longer term success. Hence before we consider entering in a developing country for investment purposes I would like to reflect some light on different aspect of sustainability reporting, the differences between sustainability reporting and traditional reporting and the benefits of sustainability reporting. Introduction A sustainability report mainly focuses, in fact constitutes, three elements or dimension, namely, social, economic and environmental. Due to this fact is often known as triple bottom line or 3BL. Some even regards is as a planet, profit, people principle. While discussing this aspect, sustainability reporting is often substituted for environmental social and governance reporting and corporate social responsibility as the whole idea is almost the same. The framework of sustainability is set up by GRI (Global Reporting initiative), a non-profit organisation. Difference between sustainability reporting and traditional reporting Sustainability reports differs from traditional reporting in a few important ways. Sustainability reports stress on the fact of maximising stakeholder value rather than only shareholder value. Stakeholder in this context refers to someone in fact anyone that is affected by the organisations actions whether it be directly or indirectly. Customers, civil societies, employees, financers and the community as a whole are all included in the list of stakeholders. Another crucial difference is that sustainability reports do not require each aspect to be in monetary term. That is some indicators may just be included as a comparison as the previous years to help analyse how the company is performing. In traditional reporting all reported data is produced in monetary terms. Sustainability reports produce comparison data due to the fact that some performance indicators may not be valued accurately in monetary terms, thus, are better off used as a mean of comparison. An example may be that of the pollution waste produce by the organisation. This may be reported as number of tons of wastage produced or even waste per unit of production. Both can be compared with that of other organisations depending on what indicator the other organisation has preferred. The sorts of information that they will need to include in a sustainability report of why they should be included The main reason to produce a sustainability report is to provide a true representation of the sustainable performance of an entity, that is, a reasonable and balanced presentation of the entity performance that incl udes both its positive contributions and negative contributions. Sustainability reporting helps organisations produce sustainable information of an

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marijuana legalization in the United States Essay

Marijuana legalization in the United States - Essay Example The push to decriminalize marijuana has been going on for years. It started in the early 1970s in the region of Oregon and increased as days went by with people pushing for its use claiming it had medical uses as well as for recreational purposes. There was gradual acceptance of the substance with various states addressing the issue from various angles according to what was felt right by the law makers there. Colorado was the first one to legalize marijuana up to a certain level in 2005 after fifty four percent of the votes to determine the issue voted in favor of its legalization. The other municipals that followed include Pennsylvania in 2014, Washington DC in the same year and New York City. Many states have passed laws that are in favor of its use up to certain levels though none has been bold enough to allow it production and use at the users discretion.   The State of Oregon made the initial step in the fight to allow the use of cannabis and decriminalize it in early 1970s. T his move was faced by different opinions from various people in the government and also from the citizens who had the perception that the use of marijuana is linked with various criminal activities and the medical attributes it is given are vague and non-existent. However, lobby groups could not relent and the move was accepted in other states and in 1975 Alaska also passed a law to decriminalize it. The law was to allow possession of up to 4 ounces of the substance. This was to be in their residence.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Written paper discussin the provision for a child identified as having Essay

Written paper discussin the provision for a child identified as having special education needs - Essay Example The major behavioural problems observed with children are autism, attention deficit syndrome disorder, dyslexia and Asperger syndrome and these problems hamper the ability of children to learn well. Two levels of interventions, wave 2 and wave 3 are designed for children who require special educational needs and the latter gives individual care for those children. Children need different types of interventions since their learning problems are different from child to child. At first, the need of the child must be identified and specific provision must be given according to the identified needs. The interventions for the students who require special educational needs are implemented in nursery, primary and secondary levels of education and there are SEN departments in each school having a SENCO (Special Educations Needs Coordinator). Children who want special education need to procure a statement, stating the special needs and special provision of the child and this statement for the child is given on the basis of statutory assessment. The â€Å"special education needs† has a legal implication for providing service for the children who are not able to learn with time, as their friends do. The extra assistance which are required for those children are in â€Å"schoolwork, reading, writing, number work or understanding information, expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying, making friends or relating to adults, behaving properly in school, organizing themselves and some kind of sensory or physical needs which may affect them in school.† (What are Special Educational Needs?). The state asks for the school and nursery authorities to identify the children who are having learning disability and the SEN program is designed for helping those children. Once the child is identified, as requiring special educational needs, the school authorities have to formulate an educational plan to help the student, in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Outline and discuss the main features of fascist political thought Essay - 1

Outline and discuss the main features of fascist political thought - Essay Example Example of those who became Prince by abilities includes; Moses from the bible, Cyrus the founder of Persian Empire, Romulus the famous founder of Rome and Theseus, a hero of Athens. In this book he has a goal to pass a message on how principalities can be governed in the best way and stored (Niccolà ²,  Russell & Quentin 2005). Machiavelli goes ahead and adds that hereditary principalities are easier to keep and maintain than the newly acquired ones because the rules are already set on the ground to follow. In hereditary principalities it is easier to regain lost power by regaining the love of his subjects again. He also talks about new principalities and mixed principalities which can be administered to the existing ones to the subjects. New rulers come with new territories and if they are from the same culture, region and language, ruling becomes easy. However, if the language and customs are different the new ruler needs a lot of skills, ability and luck to govern the subjects. He gives an example of King Louis XII who went to France in 1499 and adds that the king made many mistakes during his reign. He goes ahead and gives the three ways of keeping principality that is accustomed to living under its own rules. One can destroy it, live in it or accept a form of free government that is friendly and then it gets credits from it. Destroying it may be the only sure way to end it otherwise living in it could enslave one. According to Machiavelli, men who have ambitions, imitate other men with greatness. For a man to become a prince by ability, he has to win over their dominions by setting up new and inventive methods of government. It is necessary to use force to start a new system for example, Savaronola. However, one has to be armed to succeed after use of force. An example of a Prince who rose to the top through abilities is Francesco Sforza, the Duke form Milan. Due to his abilities, he sustained power easily and he ended up

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Business continuity Essay Example for Free

Business continuity Essay Just in time concept is a lean operation concept applied in supply chain management where an enterprise strives to produce only what is needed, whenever it is needed and in the amount that is needed. It allows for efficient production of quality products through complete waste elimination, avoidance of inconsistencies and also elimination of non-value addition activities within the production line. (Lieb Miller 1988) According to (Stank Crum 1997) the wastes that are eliminated are related to labour, where over staffing is a waste, time, in this case idle time or use of extra time to accomplish a goal is considered waste. Just in time concept emphasizes on customer requests and avoids making decisions based on forecast. In this concept, inventory is considered as an additional cost to the process. Traditionally, it would be considered to be value adding in the system. In this case, businesses and organisations are advised to eliminate any form of inventory that does not impact any additional value to the product. The just in time concept has various benefits to a business firm or enterprise. The benefits include an improvement in the flow of goods into, within and from the warehouse. There is also better planning and consistency in the organisation. Manpower can be reduced when production process has stopped mainly due to planned shut downs for maintenance, stocktaking activities, or any other reason (Stank Crum 1997). This helps the enterprise to save on cost related to labour and other production overheads. When an organisation adopts the JIT concept and implements it, it helps in the production of better quality products and also increases the efficiency of production. All the aforementioned benefits are customer oriented. We therefore realise from the benefits customer satisfaction is enhanced. This in turn has an impact on customer loyalty and improved sales by the organisation. The net effect of this is improved profits by the organisation (Swamidass 2000). Despite having all the above benefits, the outcome of the terror attacks on September 11 has cast a lot of doubt on the just in time (JIT) concept deliveries in the supply chain. In a supply chain, each organisation along the chain depends upon a supplier and therefore in case of a hitch along the chain, the repercussions are felt along the whole chain. Before the September 11 attack the â€Å"JIT† was comfortably applicable and implemented to various businesses. Until this time, overstocking was avoided and components were delivered to the right place at the right time and in the right form with no hitch. Piling of inventory was avoided and production processes proceeded smoothly. However, the events of September 11 reversed all these, there were delays caused by grounding of aircrafts and also a longer time was required for border inspections. Transport on land was also highly affected. As an example, due to these interruptions, commodities destined for the Gap, Banana republic and the old navy stores ended up to a warehouse next to an airport. The business environment, both external and internal will always be fluctuating. External environment like the impact from natural calamities e. g. hurricanes, snow, storms, floods, earthquakes and internal environments like strikes, affect business operations. Therefore, for an organisation with a JIT system, in case of any fluctuation in the business environment, the supply chain will be disrupted and therefore flow of products downstream will not be realized (McClenahen Jusko 2001). For a sudden change in the business environment, the shocks will be felt throughout the supply chain. There will be a gap that will be created along the chain at the point where the fluctuation is highly felt. It is a noble idea for businesses to consider having some safety stock on hand at each link of supply chain, which will take care of the emergencies in case of any eventuality. Since a supply chain consists of a network/series of suppliers and consumers, a hitch on one supplier side will affect the consumer who is also a supplier to the next consumer. Therefore in a business that has adopted the JIT system, it might end up being grounded because of lack of inventory to process or sell to the next stage of the chains. It is therefore highly recommended for such businesses to develop a Just in case system, a system that allows for a safety supplies that will take care of any eventualities. Even though the JIT system has a number of shortcomings in case of shocks within the supply chain, it is important to note that organisations can still implement JIT and maintain an attractive supply chain with lean inventories even during emergencies. To achieve this, one of the moves that a firm can make is locate where there is stock piling of inventories (Lu Kyokai 1989). Firms can have most of its inventories stocked next to or near their locations. This will help overcome the problems due to shipment or air transport in case these modes of transport are affected. A firm can also consider having more than one supplier for a given commodity, this will be a second option during emergency situations. For an organisation to succeed in its implementation of the JIT system, major changes within the organisation need to be undertaken. The top management need to show commitment and offer full support. They are also required to lead from the front if the benefits of the JIT system are to be realised. The adoption and implementation of the JIT system will substantially affect the mode and criteria through which carriers and other logistics services providers will be recruited by the organisation. Organisations should be able to come up with service providers who are very efficient so as to pass on the efficiency downstream the supply chain. The just in time concept is highly dependent on the speed and efficiency with which products are moving at along the chain. It is therefore worthy to mention that the JIT system will highly affect the style of operations in the logistics industry. The number of logistics service providers to be recruited will also be determined by the success of the JIT system. According to (Ian 1988), constant and effective communication between business firms and their suppliers is another important factor that will affect the future of JIT in the global business environment. The quality of information that will be conveyed should also be put into consideration. The right information should be conveyed to the right place, at the right time and to the right person. A successful implementation of the JIT system in the future will highly depend on additional training of the implementing personnel (Abuhilal, Rabadi, Sousa-Poza 2006). A lot of emphasise should be on the training of the personnel that are directly involved in the implementation of the JIT concept. This should not be taken to mean that other employees in the organisation should not be trained. An elaborate training plan on this system should be unveiled and the concerned departments or functions for example, production, logistics, marketing should be given intense training. The major areas to be considered should include: policies on JIT system, communication skills and training on commitment to the principles of JIT. The future of the just in time (JIT) system in the global environment will highly depend on the level of technology that will be embraced by an organisation. This includes both in machinery and other office operations. Adoption of improved technology for material handling is a key area that firms need to look at. They should consider embracing cross docking or flowing inventory through a distribution centre. With an improved material handling facility, the businesses can absorb shocks easily in the event that there is disruption in the supply chain (Kreng Wang 2005) The use of information technology is in inventory management is particularly crucial if the growth and success of the JIT system is to be guaranteed. Business organisations should utilise information technology resources both in hardware and software so as to enhance the success of the JIT system. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) modules should be adopted for inventory management and controls within the organisation. Internet resources should be highly utilised for an effective JIT system. The most applicable resources include e-procurement, e- marketing. e-banking and e-mailing. When an organisation conducts procurement via internet, a variety of goods both in terms of quality and quantity may be obtained. The business deal is also conducted in an accelerated speed. Marketing via the internet allows for the organisation to reach many customers within a very short time and hence improve on the organisation’s sales. Internet banking allows for faster business transactions hence delays associated with payments are reduced and therefore the supply chain is protected from such delays (Hale 1997). To ensure that the intended results of the JIT concept are achieved, it is important for firms doing business together along a given supply chain be proactive in their operations. By being proactive, it means that a consumer should be involved directly in what their supplier is producing. The consumers should be involved in product design so as to have a product of their own making. On the hand it is very important for the suppliers to follow up and find out how their products are serving the customers. This will help in the elimination of ripples along the chain and hence easy implementation of the JIT system. The players in the supply chain should develop a culture of sharing problems when they occur at a particular point of the supply chain, this in a nutshell will reduce the overall effect that the problem would have on the entire supply chain (Titone 1996). The just in case system is another approach that will have an impact on the future of JIT system in the global environment. It is very important for firms to have a buffer stock that can bail it out when events in the supply chain don’t seem to be favourable. The idea of having safety stocks for emergency times should not be confused by firms holding inventories. It is a different concept from overstocking.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tourism concern Essay Example for Free

Tourism concern Essay Introduction I have been approached by a tourism organisation to assist in researching the current and potential impacts of tourism development in a destination. I chose the Maldives because they have an impressive record of growth, while at the same time rapidly expanding their lodging capacity. There are major factors that have clearly contributed to this phenomenal growth. The remote island nature of the Maldives has been nurtured, even if guests fly in Boeing Triple Sevens and other large aircraft. 1. Tourism in the Maldives. The Maldives consists of a chain of 26 coral atolls straddling the equator south west of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. The country occupies an area of sea measuring 754 kilometres in length and 118 kilometres wide where there are 1192 islands, only a small proportion of which are inhabited, and almost 80% of land is a metre or less in height (Domroes, 2001). Its distinctive geography and tropical climate are valuable tourism resources and the industry has grown rapidly since the 1970s when the first resorts were constructed on two islands. By 2007, there were 89 resort islands with over 17,000 beds and a further 35 islands were available for development (MTCA, 2007a). Tourism grew at a rate of 11. 6 percent between 1972 and 2005; 26. 5 percent between 1972 and 1982; and 6. 7 percent since 1982. These rates are well above regional or global growth rates, as might be expected for a successful emerging market. Total bednights exceeded 5 million for the first time in 2004 and the Maldives has shown steady growth since the late 1980s. The three key original markets were Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom and these continue to be the core of the Maldives travel industry. However, new markets are also emerging regularly. While recent growth has been noted in markets such as Russia, China, Japan, and Australia, Europe still accounts for 80 percent of Maldivian tourism and Asia for 10 percent. Tourists to the Maldives have tended to be couples in recent years. The honeymoon market has been strong, but there are signs that family travel, in spite of the cost, is becoming more frequent. Originally, Maldives was a diving destination and still is, but now many travel simply for the sea and sand and the opportunity to unwind. 2. Impacts of tourism on economy, environment and social-cultural. A goal of developing the tourism industry in a community is maximizing selected positive impacts while minimizing potential negative impacts. First, it is essential to identify the possible impacts. (Cooper C, Fletcher J, 2008) 2. 1 Economic impacts of tourism on the Maldives. Tourism, Maldives largest industry, accounts for 28% of GDP and more than 60% of the Maldives foreign exchange receipts. Over 90% of government tax revenue comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes. Fishing is the second leading sector. (Tourism sector and its potential 2007) Positive impacts Particularly in Maldives tourism increases employment opportunities. Additional jobs, ranging from low-wage entry-level to high-paying professional positions in management and technical fields, generate income and raise standards of living. Maldives has the highest ratio of international tourism receipts to GDP (49. 8 percent) (WTO 2002) Especially in rural areas, the diversification created by tourism helps communities that are possibly dependent on only one industry. As tourism in Maldives grows, additional opportunities are created for investment, development, and infrastructure spending. Tourism in Maldives improved public utilities such as water, sewer, sidewalks, lighting, public restrooms, litter control, and landscaping. Such improvements benefit tourists and residents alike. Likewise, tourism encourages improvements in transport infrastructure resulting in upgraded roads, airports, public transportation, and non-traditional transportation (e. g. , trails). (Kreag G. , 2001) For example tourism help to develop the first two resorts Kurumba and Bandos both on islands in close proximity to Hulhule Airport and Male. (A report on the WTO 2002) Tourism encourages new elements to join the retail mix, increasing opportunities for shopping and adding healthy competitiveness. It often increases a communitys tax revenues. (Kreag G. , 2001) Maldives currently has almost no corporate tax revenues from tourism. Taxation is based on long-term land leases negotiated on a per-bed basis for each individual resort island. In fact, the leases amount to taxes paid in advance. In addition, each tourist pays a bednight tax of $8 and a one-time airport tax (or user charge) of $10. The other major source of taxation is duty on all imports (except for initial construction, which is exempt as an incentive); the impact of the import taxes is estimated at about 30 percent of sales. ( The world bank Maldives, 2009) Tourism in the Maldives largest industry and generates of 30% GDP. Profits from this lucrative sector have the potential to help alleviate poverty and improve living conditions for local people. (A report on the WTO 2002) Negative impacts Maldives have hyperdependency of tourism (93,8%) (Weaver D. , Lawton L 2002), that mean if tourists will stop coming to Maldives their economy will have crisis, because money will stop coming in to the country. When considering the economic impacts of tourism, it is essential to understand that tourism businesses often include a significant number of low-paying jobs, often at minimum wage or less. (Kreag G, 2001) For example tourism employees in the Maldives have won the first hurdle in their struggle for basic working rights including a minimum wage and maximum working hours, after the president agreed that new labour lows should extend to protect workers in the sector. (Tourism concern 2008) These jobs are often seasonal, causing under-employment or unemployment during off-seasons. Labour may be imported, rather than hired locally, especially if particular skills or expertise is required, or if local labour is unavailable. (Kreag G, 2001) Some tourism-related businesses are volatile and high-risk ventures that are unsustainable. Greater demand for goods, services, land, and housing may increase prices that in turn will increase the cost of living. Tourism businesses may claim land that could have higher- value or other uses. Currently, despite the Maldives luxury tourism industry, over half the population suffer abject poverty and live on just over a dollar a day. (Tourism concern 2008). Local people in the Maldives are unable to speak out about these awful conditions. The government continues to impose severe restrictions on freedom of expression. Unfair trial, torture and imprisonment occur all too often. (Tourism concern 2008). 2. 2 Environmental impact of tourism on the Maldives Tourism in the Maldives exists solely due to the physical and geographic features of the coral islands. The beauty of the underwater world at the reefs, clean water in the lagoons, white and pristine sandy beaches, a rich island vegetation and ideal tropical climate which form a virtual paradise that attracts tourists from Europe and Australasia. (A report on the WTO 2002) Pollution The first proper evaluation of tourism in the Maldives was carried out in 1983 after 10 years of tourism development. It was revealed that the pollution of the sea with garbage, piles of waste found in the resorts often close to the tourist: cottages, the picking of corals, the use of spearguns wer, features present that did not fit into the tourists image of the Maldives. Rubbish on beach is the next environmental problem identified by the resort management. Rubbish on beach mainly results from waste dumped at sea irresponsibly by neighboring resorts and inhabited islands that get washed ashore onto islands with the current and to some extent from the messy habits of certain tourists. The resort management is quite emotive on this issue as this is one issue that will reflect very badly on the image of the resort environment. (Safkar. K. , Noronha. L. , 1999) Solid waste disposal One of the most obvious impacts of tourist resort operation and one of the easiest environmental management problems to deal with and thus has been addressed in a number of reports on tourism development in the Maldives. The pollution of the sea with garbage and piles of waste found in the resorts often close to the tourist cottages were identified in 1983 among features that was not aesthetically pleasing.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The impact of aspergers syndrome on everyday life

The impact of aspergers syndrome on everyday life Aspergers syndrome is known to be an intellectual and developmental disorder that impacts an individuals life. Aspergers is often seen as high functioning autism which is associated with impairments in communication and social interactions, and Aspergers individuals often express patterns of repetitive behaviour (Floyd, 2009). Aspergers syndrome is known to be more prevalent within males than females and it is believed to be a genetic disorder (Seung, 2005). This essay aims to highlight the issues experienced by young Asperger males and how Aspergers impacts their lives. It also intends to contrast and explore the differences that exist between young male and female Asperger individuals and aims to highlight the stigmatisation and discrimination that is experienced by these individuals. Furthermore it will illustrate community development activities that have been created in order to address the health needs of Aspergers individuals, as well as provide future suggestions on how to fu rther enhance these childrens quality of life. One of the major impacts Aspergers has on young individuals is their inability to socially interact. Asperger males lack the cognitive ability to understand emotion and see viewpoints and beliefs of other individuals (Floyd, 2009) and as a result, are often viewed as obsessive and egocentric. Sorenson (2009) contends that this cognitive deficit is the primary cause of social and behavioural impairments exhibited by Aspergers individuals. Furthermore, Aspergers individuals have difficulty understanding the intentions of others and are unaware of other manneristic ways other than their own (Sorenson, 2009). This causes interactive issues with their peers as Asperger males are seen to have a primary focus on themselves and do not take into consideration other individuals. Despite this, male Aspergers have a strong desire to form and maintain friendships (Muller, Schuler Yates, 2004). Behavioural issues that are experienced by Asperger males include their inability to express emotion. Due to this, young Aspergers males often become violent and overwhelmed (Koning Magill-Evans, 2001). This highlights the frustration that can be expressed by an individual due to their inability to sufficiently articulate what they wish. Young Asperger males are also known to often be reclusive, however; some exhibit eccentric and inappropriate behaviour (Floyd, 2009). The most obvious behavioural problem expressed by Aspergers males is repetitive and compulsive behaviours (Macintosh Dissanayake, 2006). These individuals often become obsessed with specific topics for an extended period of time. Similarly, Aspergers males are also known to be aggressive and arrogant due to their cognitive deficits (Koning Magill-Evans, 2001). Due to these social and behavioural problems, oral communication and speech difficulties are also an issue that affects young Asperger males. These individuals are unable to hold conversations with others and due to this, young Asperger males can further find it hard to develop friendships with peers and sustain long term friends (Rao, Beidel, Murray, 2007). Although Aspergers males are often highly intelligent, many have learning difficulties. Aspergers males are known to be unable to articulate their thoughts and understandings and often exhibit symptoms of dyslexia (Church, Alinsanski Amanullah, 2000). These individuals struggle to adequately understand what they are learning and become forgetful of basic letters and numbers. Nevertheless, Aspergers individuals are highly logical and have the ability to retain factual and historical information (Floyd, 2009). Furthermore, due to their inability to comprehend other viewpoints and principles, Asperger individuals have a minimal attention span towards others as well as the inability to focus on tasks (Humphrey Lewis, 2008). Due to this, many young Asperger males are known to struggle at school and do not adequately meet the learning requirements or extend their capabilities. Nevertheless, Howard Cohen (2006) highlight that Asperger individuals who have strong friendships with peers ar e more successful at learning what is required and develop greater personal skills due to regular encouragement and inclusion by their friends. Aspergers is a personalised condition as each person exhibits unique symptoms. It is found that often young male Asperger individuals all exhibit variant degrees of symptoms and as a result, currently no universal measure exists to diagnose Aspergers. Due to this, diagnosis is often subjective and individuals are regularly misdiagnosed with learning problems or attention deficient disorders (Farrugia, 2006). Although males have a higher prevalence rate of Aspergers, the condition is also known to affect females (Lord, Scopler Revicki, 2002). Female Asperger individuals are viewed as highly capable and are known to interact and socialise differently than males (Wilkinson, 2008). Asperger girls are found to have less behavioural variants than boys and have better social abilities (Lemon, Gargaro, Enticott Rinehart, 2010). It is known that females overall have better coping capabilities than males and as a result, girls with Asperger can conceal symptoms more easily than boys (Lemon, Gargaro, Enticott Rinehart, 2010). Females that are reclusive are often perceived as shy and timid rather than an individual who potentially has a developmental disorder. This social construction of femininity is often the case many girls are misdiagnosed (Wilkinson, 2008). Girls are often initially diagnosed with anxiety and mental disorders and as a result, obtain a formal Aspergers diagnosis later on in t heir life (Kopp Gillberg, 2002). Due to this, females are often excluded because most intervention and studies have been conducted with a primary focus on male individuals. This is detrimental for female Asperger individuals as their condition may get worse and they are unable to obtain the sufficient support required. Nevertheless, young Asperger females that are diagnosed early in life are seen to perform better overall when compared to males (Kopp Gillberg, 2002). Many Asperger females thrive academically and are more capable of learning social skills and develop personal capabilities than males. As a result, Asperger females are often viewed as seen as better equipped when compared to males, as they are able to comprehend a diverse range of situations and ideas. They are known to often mimic other children and learn adaptability mechanisms to hide their differences (Lord Scopler Revicki, 2002). The most obvious symptom of Aspergers within females in comparison to males is their inability to desire friendships and their regular mood changes (Lemon, Gargaro, Enticott, Rinehart, 2010). Due to minimal exploration by professionals into female diagnosis, it is believed that females are just as likely as males to be affected, however; these individuals are either misdiagnosed or their symptoms are ignored (Lord, Scopler Revicki, 2009). As a result, Aspergers is believed to be more common than thought, nevertheless sufficient research into constructing a specific Asperger diagnosis criteria for both genders is required as well as an in depth analysis on female Aspergers individuals is also needed. Due to their social and behavioural problems, Aspergers individuals are regularly stigmatised. Stigmatisation is the primary form of marginalisation and highlights power differentials that exist between populations (Cook McCormick, 2006). Marginalisation is known to be a socially constructed concept, in which individuals are excluded from mainstream society and these people are often viewed as powerless (Cook McCormick, 2006). Individuals suffering with a developmental disorder are seen as unreliable and incompetent due to their inability to comprehend different ideals (Koning Magill-Evans, 2001). This often further marginalises Asperger individuals as they are seen as inferior to others within the community. Many individuals stigmatise Aspergers people to be the same, and are often unaware that Aspergers symptoms are subjective. This generalised and stereotypical outlook further acts as barriers for Aspergers individuals which increase their chances of being unjustly marginalised and discriminated against (Hughes Paterson, 1997). Messiou (2006) highlights that there are various types of marginalisation that are experienced by Aspergers individuals. The most common marginalisation experienced by Asperger males is social ostracism and exclusion by their peers. Other children are known to ostracise and avoid Asperger individuals due to their inability to associate to their behaviours (Howard Cohen, 2006). Due to this, young Aspergers males often feel the need to conform and try to be similar to their peers (Koning Magill-Evans, 2001). It was found that Aspergers individuals try not to express who they truly are as an individual and attempt to act how they assume society wants them to be like (Koning Magill-Evans, 2001). Muller, Schuler, Yates (2004) expressed that young Asperger males believe that they are limited within rigid societal structures in which they are regularly anxious about. Asperger boys are seen as abnormal and strange due to their inability to socialise and relate to other individuals (Church, Alinsanski Amanullah, 2000). Due to this, Asperger males are further ostracised due to societal members viewing their behaviours and attitudes deviant from the mainstream culture. Aspergers individuals prefer that their diagnosis remained unknown because they believe that people treat them differently when they knew of their condition (Muller, Schuler Yates, 2004). It was found that young Asperger males would rather others view them as extroverted and egocentric rather than an individual who is affected by a developmental disorder due to the possibility of attaching negative assumptions towards them (Muller, Schuler Yates, 2004). Furthermore, Aspergers individuals also have perceived marginalisation in which they believe others are regularly mocking or embarrassing them due to their differences (Messiou, 2006). Many young Asperger individuals express that they are aware of their differences and attach self-blame for their inabilities to be socially included and accepted by their peers (Humphrey Lewis, 2009). This notion of internalisation highlights that psychological manifestation exist within Asperger individuals and that Asperger males have individual identity issues due to feeling inadequate and not being accepted by others (Punshon, Skirrow Murphy, 2009). This often leads to further isolation and exclusion exhibited by Aspergers males as they further have no desire to associate with others because they are ashamed and lack self worth (Punshon, Skirrow Murphy, 2009). Asperger individual tends to become a product of their disorder, which minimises individuality and further stigmatises individuals due to additional ostracism and exclusion (Broderick, Caswell, Gregory, Marzolini, Wilson, 2002). Due to this, alongside negative experiences and societal isolation, it is known that mental health issues such as depression and low self esteem are highly prevalent amongst young Aspergers males (Hedley Young, 2006). Aspergers is known to be an intellectual disability and as a result, inequities towards Aspergers individuals currently exist. Disability is the development of the socially constructed view of what is viewed as normal and furthermore, what constitutes abnormal (Swain, French Cameron, 2003). Currently there is a lack of specific health services that have a strong focus on Aspergers health and wellbeing, and as a result; Aspergers individuals are unable to adequately maintain holistic wellbeing (Rao, Beidel, Murray, 2007). Furthermore, many Aspergers individuals attend mainstream schools and as a result; teachers often feel unable to teach these students (Macintosh Dissanayake, 2006). Mainstream schooling encourages many Aspergers to conform rather than express their individuality which often leads to educational attainment difficulties (Koning Magill-Evans, 2001). Although many mainstream schools facilitate Aspergers individuals by providing integration aids and speech pathologists, this is often a negative experience for Aspergers individuals because it highlights to the other students their needs (Martinez Semrud-Clikeman, 2004). As a result, this often stimulates teasing and ridicule by other students which often negatively impacts the Asperger individual. One of the major reasons these inequities exist for Aspergers individuals, is due to the lack of awareness about the condition (Floyd, 2009). Although over the years, more recognition and analysis about the disorder has been conducted, Aspergers individuals are still being categorised amongst Autism and other mentally handicapped individuals. Due to this, specific needs and requirements of Aspergers individuals are not being addressed and are needed to be tackled in order to successfully allow Aspergers individuals to excel. Although special needs schools exist, often Aspergers individuals are in the same class as individuals with severely mental impairment disorders. This is often detrimental for the growth and development of the young Asperger individual as they do not have the ability to adequately grow and develop as an individual (Church, Alinsanski Amanullah, 2000). In comparison to mainstream schooling Martinez Semrud-Clikeman (2004) found that individuals attending special needs education maintained yearly intellectual growth. Nevertheless, they further highlight that these individuals lacked social and developmental capabilities and were often severely reclusive and did not communicate to others. It is important that specific learning facilities for Aspergers individuals are developed in order for these young people to associate with like minded individuals. If this was created, these individuals would be able to further extend their learning capabilities as well as gain positive friendships w ith their peers due to similar characteristics (Muller, Schuler Yates, 2004). Community development activities that have been successful for Aspergers individuals is the creation of family support groups (Church, Alinsanski Amanullah, 2000). These groups are run and facilitated by family and friends of Aspergers individuals. This enables community members to gain empowerment and associate with other individuals who are experiencing similar issues. Although these groups provide support and resources to families, they do not necessarily have a specific impact on the Asperger individual. These individuals often do not attend the support meetings and as a result, these groups do not necessarily address their health needs (Church, Alinsanski Amanullah, 2000). Similarly, an effective health promotion activity that has been implemented for Aspergers individuals is the creation of a social and behavioural class (Bock, 2007). This specific activity enables Aspergers individuals to learn socially appropriate behaviours and mannerisms (Bock, 2007). Nevertheless, this program has been criticised because it is further requiring these individuals to conform to society, and because the attendees of the classes do not obtain the ability to interact and socialise with other non-Aspergers individuals in order to successfully utilise the skills that they may have learned (Rao, Beidel Murray, 2007). Although there is currently an Autism Awareness Day, more recognition and awareness about Aspergers is required. This can be achieved by local fun runs and the development of regular symposiums about Aspergers syndrome that are primarily run and developed by community members (Rao, Beidel Murray, 2007). This enables parents and community members to advocate on behalf of young Aspergers individuals to help gain equality and access to specific services, as well as expressing to others the diversity that exists within society. Greater awareness will enable a broader understanding of the problem in order to help decrease the marginalisation and discrimination that currently exists towards Aspergers individuals (Hedley Young, 2006). It will also enable societal members to realise that Aspergers also affects female individuals and will provide them the opportunity to create support and services for this population (Howard Cohen, 2006; Hedley Young, 2006). Furthermore, successful integration within mainstream schools is needed to be achieved. Integrating Aspergers individuals into mainstream education is required in order to minimise the current segregation issues that exist (Broderick, Caswell, Gregory, Marzolini Wilson, 2002). This can help eradicate discrimination towards these individuals and enable them equitable access to education. If integration attempts are unsuccessful, the development of peer Asperger workshops can also be a successful way of extending personal and intellectual skills of an Asperger individuals. It is important that these meetings are run by other Asperger people in which these individuals can act as mentors for the young Asperger males (Bock, 2007). This will help empower these young individuals as it is important to work with an Aspergers strengths and assets rather than highlighting what is needed to be achieved. Ultimately, the most important health promotion recommendation for Aspergers syndrome is early diagnosis and intervention. If greater awareness was provided, many parents may be attentive of triggers and behavioural problems whilst their child is young. Early intervention will enable the prevention of Aspergers individuals symptoms to become worse and will encourage the minimisation of Aspergers effects by being addressed early within their life (Rao, Beidel Murray, 2007). Furthermore, it will enable the implementation of a holistic approach to address the problem, by addressing the social and emotional wellbeing of an Aspergers individual.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Summary of Pinocchio by Carlos Collodi :: essays research papers

Pinocchio by Carlos Collodi was written in 1883. The story is about a wooden marionette named Pinocchio. He spends his whole childhood wanting to become a real boy, but is misguided by troublesome schoolboys and two con artists. Through Pinocchio’s adventures, he understands how he was defiant and naà ¯ve. At the end of the story his compassion and gratefulness overcame his misguided decisions. Even though Pinocchio could distinguish right from wrong, he decided to disobey. Pinocchio chooses not to listen to Gepetto, and is faced with consequences that affected him later in the story including the times that he skips school. Pinocchio visits the marionette play, risking his life of becoming firewood and missed months of school during his trip to Playland with Lamp-wick. Pinocchio was to go back home to his fairy, the night that he ran away to Playland, but did not return. A couple months of slothful behavior ended with Pinocchio and Lampwick turned into donkeys and sold. Pinocchio does not have a very open mind and because of that he becomes trapped by con-artists. His weakness is his naà ¯ve attitude toward others. When Pinocchio is lost in the woods, he is approached by a supposedly lame fox and blind cat. They are told of Pinocchio having coins in his pocket. The fox and cat, knowing of Pinocchio’s coins pretend to be blind and lame. They ask Pinocchio to come with them to an inn, and buy them dinner. When Pinocchio wakes up, he is told by the manager that the fox and cat have gone. Pinocchio goes back into the woods and is attacked by assassins, whom are actually the fox and cat. His naivety nearly costs him his life, as he hangs on the branch of a tree. Later in the story, Pinocchio finds himself with Lamp-wick waiting for the coach to take Lamp-wick to Playland.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Guest House :: Essays Papers

Guest House The first chapter introduces Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. We don’t know their first names because the wife calls her husband Mr. Bennett and he calls her â€Å"my dear†. They have five grown up daughters and one is named Lizzy or Elizabeth who is the father’s favorite. The mother thinks Jane is handsome (or good-looking) and Lydia humored. The other two daughters have not been introduced yet. Mr. Bennett thinks they are all silly and ignorant, except Lizzy. Mrs. Bennett wants the father to go with her to visit an eligible, â€Å"well to do† bachelor who will move into a neighboring estate at Michealmas the 29th of September, so she can aquaint him with her 5 available daughters. She would love to marry them off to money. There’s not much going on in her life except worrying about marrying her daughters and visiting with the other neighbors. Mr. Bennett, however, is not interested in meeting Mr. Bingley form Northern England and after twenty three years of marriage fancies himself to be the greater mind of the two. Chapter II Mr. Bennett goes ahead and is one of the first people to visit Mr. Bingley. He doesn’t tell them straight out that he has been to visit him, because he knows they’re all dying to meet him. So, he teases them about it first by telling them that hey may be the ones to introduce him to some of the other neighbors. They still don’t catch on until he drops the bomb that he’s already been to visit. He enjoys their shocked reaction, but doesn’t stick around. In this chapter we find out that Lizzy (the fathers favorite) is the second daughter. We also find out that one of the other daughter’s name is Kitty and she has an annoying cough and is really sensitive about it. The other girl’s name that we didn’t know is Mary, who is a bookworm. She is quiet. We also find out that Lydia is the youngest, but is also the tallest of the 5 girls. She appears to have a little spunk to her. Chapter III The girls along with their mother try to get their father to tell them about Mr. Bingley. They try every cleaver thing that they can think of to get even a hint of that he looks like or personality. Guest House :: Essays Papers Guest House The first chapter introduces Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. We don’t know their first names because the wife calls her husband Mr. Bennett and he calls her â€Å"my dear†. They have five grown up daughters and one is named Lizzy or Elizabeth who is the father’s favorite. The mother thinks Jane is handsome (or good-looking) and Lydia humored. The other two daughters have not been introduced yet. Mr. Bennett thinks they are all silly and ignorant, except Lizzy. Mrs. Bennett wants the father to go with her to visit an eligible, â€Å"well to do† bachelor who will move into a neighboring estate at Michealmas the 29th of September, so she can aquaint him with her 5 available daughters. She would love to marry them off to money. There’s not much going on in her life except worrying about marrying her daughters and visiting with the other neighbors. Mr. Bennett, however, is not interested in meeting Mr. Bingley form Northern England and after twenty three years of marriage fancies himself to be the greater mind of the two. Chapter II Mr. Bennett goes ahead and is one of the first people to visit Mr. Bingley. He doesn’t tell them straight out that he has been to visit him, because he knows they’re all dying to meet him. So, he teases them about it first by telling them that hey may be the ones to introduce him to some of the other neighbors. They still don’t catch on until he drops the bomb that he’s already been to visit. He enjoys their shocked reaction, but doesn’t stick around. In this chapter we find out that Lizzy (the fathers favorite) is the second daughter. We also find out that one of the other daughter’s name is Kitty and she has an annoying cough and is really sensitive about it. The other girl’s name that we didn’t know is Mary, who is a bookworm. She is quiet. We also find out that Lydia is the youngest, but is also the tallest of the 5 girls. She appears to have a little spunk to her. Chapter III The girls along with their mother try to get their father to tell them about Mr. Bingley. They try every cleaver thing that they can think of to get even a hint of that he looks like or personality.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

“Antigone” Tragic Hero

Kacie Ms. C 11/16/12 C Block Antigone tragic hero essay. Creon is the better tragic hero because he has more traits of a tragic hero than antigone has. He has greatness, a personality flaw, he makes a tragic mistake due to his personality and realizes it, he accepts death with honor and gets redeemed by the end of the play. All tragic heros must have greatness â€Å" You forget yourself! You are talking to your king†Creon is telling Tiresias that he is a king. It is important because it is stating that Creon is a king/ he has stature.Even though Creon has greatness, he has a tragic flaw as well. In the play antigone Creon has many personality flaws which causes him to make mistakes. One of his personality flaws is that he is stubborn. In scene 5 line 69 Creon speaks to Tiresias. â€Å"No doubt. Speak: Whatever you say, you will not change my will† This quote shows that Creon is stubborn because Tiresias is trying to help him but he refuses to change. Tiresias is trying to tell Creon his mistake which is that he didn't burry polonaises and he is punishing antigone for wanting to burry her brother.Even though he made a mistake he eventually realized his mistake. Later on in the play Creon eventually realizes his big mistake that his personality caused. Creon finally listened to Tiresias. In scene 5 line 75-76 Tiresias tells Creon his mistake. â€Å" The one in a grave before he death, The other death denied the grave. This is your crime† after Tiresias tells Creon that his crime is not burring polonaises and sentencing antigone to death, Creon try's to fixes his mistake.While trying to fix his mistake he makes another one burring polonaises first before getting antigone causing antigone and his son to die. This is important because all tragic hero's must realize there mistake. Creon filled with so much remorse he wishes death upon himself. By the end of the play when every one has killed them self Creon accepts death with honor. In the exodus line 127-128 Creon shouts to the gods â€Å"let it come, let death come quickly, and be kind to me† this quote is important because all tragic hero's must except death with honor.Accepting death causes Creon to be redeemed even though he does not die. The better would be Creon because he has more tragic hero traits then antigone. I personal did not like the play because none of it made sense. I would never sentence my niece to death especially if she is trying to be a good sister. Also I would never let my nephew rot in the middle of the ground even if he attacked my city. They play would have been better if Creon wasn't such a stubborn jerk. â€Å"Antigone† Tragic Hero Kacie Ms. C 11/16/12 C Block Antigone tragic hero essay. Creon is the better tragic hero because he has more traits of a tragic hero than antigone has. He has greatness, a personality flaw, he makes a tragic mistake due to his personality and realizes it, he accepts death with honor and gets redeemed by the end of the play. All tragic heros must have greatness â€Å" You forget yourself! You are talking to your king†Creon is telling Tiresias that he is a king. It is important because it is stating that Creon is a king/ he has stature.Even though Creon has greatness, he has a tragic flaw as well. In the play antigone Creon has many personality flaws which causes him to make mistakes. One of his personality flaws is that he is stubborn. In scene 5 line 69 Creon speaks to Tiresias. â€Å"No doubt. Speak: Whatever you say, you will not change my will† This quote shows that Creon is stubborn because Tiresias is trying to help him but he refuses to change. Tiresias is trying to tell Creon his mistake which is that he didn't burry polonaises and he is punishing antigone for wanting to burry her brother.Even though he made a mistake he eventually realized his mistake. Later on in the play Creon eventually realizes his big mistake that his personality caused. Creon finally listened to Tiresias. In scene 5 line 75-76 Tiresias tells Creon his mistake. â€Å" The one in a grave before he death, The other death denied the grave. This is your crime† after Tiresias tells Creon that his crime is not burring polonaises and sentencing antigone to death, Creon try's to fixes his mistake.While trying to fix his mistake he makes another one burring polonaises first before getting antigone causing antigone and his son to die. This is important because all tragic hero's must realize there mistake. Creon filled with so much remorse he wishes death upon himself. By the end of the play when every one has killed them self Creon accepts death with honor. In the exodus line 127-128 Creon shouts to the gods â€Å"let it come, let death come quickly, and be kind to me† this quote is important because all tragic hero's must except death with honor.Accepting death causes Creon to be redeemed even though he does not die. The better would be Creon because he has more tragic hero traits then antigone. I personal did not like the play because none of it made sense. I would never sentence my niece to death especially if she is trying to be a good sister. Also I would never let my nephew rot in the middle of the ground even if he attacked my city. They play would have been better if Creon wasn't such a stubborn jerk.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Developing a Product

The business I am studying is called ‘Rocco's Pizza'. Rocco's Pizza was established in 1980 and is a franchise whose stores are located in Bristol, Southampton, Surrey and Camberley. The store I am studying is Located in Greenford – London. Rocco's Pizza mainly sells low – medium quality pizza. As well as pizza, they sell other appetisers such as garlic bread, chips, chicken wings, ice cream and soft drinks. Rocco's pizza has their own online store ( in which customers can place there order and get it delivered, or have it collected in stores. The main product the shop sells is a pizza. Before the pizza is made, the employee has to make the dough which is made from flour mixed into water. The size of the dough depends on the size the customer order. They come is a variety of sizes from 7 inches (small) to 15 inches (extra large). Once the dough is made, they flatten it out into a circular shape and add the basic cheese and tomato sauce. They then add a variety of topping which is decided by the customer such as Pepperoni, Chicken, Mushrooms, Sweetcorn, Bacon etc. They come with a choice of crust: deep pan – a thick crust that goes around the edges of the pizza or no crust. Once the raw pizza is made, it is put into the oven. While it is in the oven, the pizza rises, the cheese melts and the toppings are cooked. After it is cooked, it is immediately put into a box so it is kept freshed and is either delivered to the customer or given to them in store. The shop I am studying is located next to a school. This is a very good location as the students are likely to go out for their lunch and having a fast food restaurant next to a school would mean the student are more likely to go there. However they face competitors with other fast food restaurants nearby such as 2in1 Pizza, Lahore Spice and Harry's Fish Bar. Their competitors are a major concern as they're located closer to the school which make the students more likely to go there them rather than their shop. Form and Function: Form is the appearance of an item – what it looks like. For example the form of a football is a sphere. Aesthetic is the beauty of a product – people buy the product based on its look for example a piece of art. The form the dough of the pizza before it is cooked is a pale colour and has a circular shape once it's flattened out. After the pizza has been baked in the oven, it rises and the colour of the crust turns from a pale colour to a brown colour. The toppings, along with the cheese, on the pizza become cooked and the colours become darker. The form of the box is a cuboid. It is made from cardboard with information on it written from ink. The lid of the box tucks inside so it is easy to open and it leaves minimum opened space so it is kept fresh for longer. It is small and compact so the pizza doesn't move around inside. The function of a product is what it does. For example the function of USB flash drive is to store and back up files. The main function of the pizza is to be eaten by customers. It also has to look and smell good so it would attract to the customer. The main reason why people eat is to satisfy their need to eat. Another reason why they eat it is for its taste. The function of the box of the pizza is to keep the box fresh. It also advertises the business i.e. through its logo and it gives instructions on how to reheat the pizza. Another thing the box does is it informs the customers of the business such as contact details. The box has flaps on the inside to support the lid. The dough on the pizza is rough when it's made but once it's rolled out, it has a smooth feel. Flour is put on it so it doesn't stick to the surface when it's being rolled out and can be easily removed after it has been baked. Once it has been baked, it has a softer texture which mainly due to the pizza being raised. The cheese also has a softer texture because it has been melted. The toppings on the pizza and the base turn darker as it has been cooked. Quality of Materials: Rocco's Pizza buys their materials from JJ Food. They buy it from here as they provide a range of different materials such as packaging and ingredients. They chose to buy from their as they're relatively cheap and also provide to other fast food retails such as ‘Ali's Fast Food' and ‘Chicken Ranch'. However, not all of their products are bought from JJ Food. For example, they buy their sweetcorn from retailers such as Tescos as it is more convenient for them Rocco's Pizza uses medium quality materials. They use this as they want to provide their customers with a good service whilst making as much profit as possible at the same time. If they used high quality materials, they would have to charge a higher price for the pizza which may lose customers. If they used low quality materials the customers won't be satisfied and my never go there again. The ingredients involved in making a basic pizza are: flour, cheese, tomato sauce and the extra topping decided by the customer. These again are all medium as they can't afford to purchase high quality materials. The basic ingredients: Flour – This is used to make the base of the pizza. The base is use to hold the rest of the toppings. Pizza- Normally small fast food restaurant would buy their pizza sauce from JJ food or from a supermarket; but according to the questionnaire Rocco's Pizza filled out, they use their own special sauce which they make themselves Cheese- The cheese is poured on top of the pizza and is grated so it can be scattered around the pizza. Selection of topping in which the customers can choose from: The toppings they have are: Pepperoni, Ham, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, Tomato Beef, Pork, Smoky Bacon, BBQ Sauce, Chicken Chunks, Prawns, Tuna, Anchovies, Pineapple, Jalapenos, sweetcorn, and Mexican Beans. Rocco's Pizza allows their customers to choose from a selection of topping as they don't want them restricted the choices of pizza they provide. Also, because different people like a different combinations of toppings. Customer Service: Customer service is the services the business provides for its customers. Different business offer different services as they have different budgets. For example Tesco can offer more services such as delivery unlike a local retailer. Rocco's Pizza offers these types of services to its customers to enhance their reputation as there a competitors nearby i.e. 2in1 Pizza. They also want their customers to be satisfied so they will want to shop there again Rocco's Pizza's offers a variety of services to its customers. One of these is free delivery however to be eligible for this, the order must be à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½8.99 or more. Delivery is only available around limited areas as it would cost them a lot if they were to deliver to wider areas. Delivery can be done over the phone or at the counter at the customer's convenience. It can even be done online. This is useful as they customer can change what they're purchasing before they've ordered it. If they did this over the phone, they could cause annoyance to the staff. It also allows them to view the menu so they can see any special offers available Delivery is offers so they can get a wider audience. If they didn't offer it, their only customers will be the local people however, since they do offer delivery, customers who don't live so close can order from them at the convenience of their own homes and get it delivered to them for free. Rocco's Pizza allows their customer to pay via debit or credit card. This is convenient for their customers as they don't have to carry around money with them when buying from the shop. They can also control the amount they spend as is they pay with cash; the customers may have some change left over and spend it on other stuff. Paying via credit/debit card can be done in stores through the credit card reader. Rocco's Pizza can't offer return on purchases because it is food. It can only be returned if there is something faulty with the pizza for example if a hair is found in there; however this is a very rare occurrence. If there is something faulty with the pizza such as if the wrong toppings are put on, then they can either offer the customer with a refund or a freshly baked new pizza. Rocco's Pizza gives their customers offers to attract them. They have 4 deals in which they provide to their customers: 1. Buy any medium pizza and you can get the 2nd, up to the same value, for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.00 2. Buy any Large Pizza and get the 2nd, up to the same value, for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.00 3. Buy a medium Margherita with up to 5 toppings, with Garlic Sticks or Garlic Bread, a portion of Potato Wedges and 2 cans of soft drink for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½12.49 4. Buy A Large Margherita with up to 5 toppings, with Garlic Sticks or Garlic Bread, Hot Wings or BBQ Wings and a 1.5 litre soft drink for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½15.99 The waiting time at Rocco's Pizza is average. The delivery time is roughly 30 minutes as they have to make the pizza and deliver it to the customer's house. If there are delays, the customers may get frustrated and may never shop their again. They may even refuse to take it a demand for a refund. If people aren't satisfied with their customer service they're providing for example the waiting time is long, then they could complain to the manager. However it is not always bad as they can take the complaints as feedback and improve from it. Resources: Physical: Like every other business, Rocco's Pizza needs a building in order to start selling. This is put on land. They use a lot of resources in the day-to-day running. One example of a resource they use is an oven. They use this to bake the pizza. They have around three to four of these as it speeds up if there are a few people ordering a pizza at the same time. They also need a kitchen in the building to make the pizza. The kitchen is also used to wash any dishes such as pizza trays and cups. The shop front is separate from the kitchen and is used to serve the customers. Rocco's Pizza has their own delivery vehicle. It is used to deliver pizza to the customers' house. The delivery vehicle has to have enough fuel to last enough deliveries otherwise the customers will get frustrated. Rocco's Pizza use a car over a motorbike as it is less likely to get spoilt. However unlike a car, a motorbike can get through traffic more easily and get to the customers house quicker. The tools required to make pizza: Pizza cutter – This is used to cut the pizza into even slices. It goes from one edge of the pizza to the opposite. The number of times it is done depends on the size of the pizza for example, if it is a 7 inch pizza, it would be cut 2 times making 4 even slices whereas if it was a large 12 inch pizza, it would be cut 6 times making 12 even slices. A separate cutter is used for vegetarian pizzas and non-vegetarian pizzas so no trace of meat gets passed. Oven – This appliance is used to bake the pizza in. The person who operates it, sets the temperature and waits till the pizza has finished baking. The over would have a see-through glass on it so the staff can see whether it's cooked or not. Rocco's Pizza would have around 3 – 4 of these in their shop as they can make more pizzas if there are a few people ordering at the same time. Pizza tray- The pizza tray has 2 purposes. One of these purposes is a mould. The staff can place the pizza base inside the try so they can get the exact size of it. For example, if a customer ordered a small 7 inch pizza, the staff would get the 7 inch tray and place the pizza base on it so they can get a perfect 7 inch pizza. This is useful as they don't have to waste time measuring in out themselves. The other purpose of the pizza tray is to hold everything together whilst it is being baked in the oven. Rolling pin – This is used to flatten out the dough into the pizza base before it is placed on the pizza tray. Human: Human resources and the people used to make an item. The main person who works at Rocco's Pizza is the manager. He is the person in charge of the business and chooses who to employ. He also makes major decision such as what the money is going to be spent on. Rocco's Pizza tries to minimise the amount of employees they have in order to make a bigger profit. There a different types of staffs who work at Rocco's Pizza. One example is the person who works at the shop front operating the till. They take the customer's order, take their money and give them their change and receipt. Another employee who works at Rocco's Pizza is the kitchen staff/chef. This staffs makes the pizza based on the customer's order. The final staff that work there are the delivery people. These people take the order and deliver it to the customer's house The staffs are given training in order to perform their role better. For example the staff that operates at the till will be given training on how to work the till faster making waiting queues shorter. The kitchen staff would be given training on hygiene and the delivery people would be given training on taking different (shorter) routes so they can get to the customers houses quicker. Financial: Financial resources are the fund which is available to the business which is used to run and make a product. According to the questionnaire, Rocco's Pizza needed à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100,000 to start up. The used two sources of finance – internal and external to gather the money: The internal sources of finance they use, is retained profit. This is the profit made the business in which the owner invested back in. This source of finance is useful for Rocco's Pizza as they don't have to pay back interest on it and they have the cash immediately there however the money could be used for other reason such for the owners own personal use. One external sources of finance they use, is a loan. This is when they borrow money from the bank and pay it back with regular instalment with interest added on. The advantage of using this is that they can borrow how much they need whenever they want but they must pay back interest and it could take some time to get the loan approved. The finance used by Rocco's Pizza is used for many purposes. The main reasons they use it is to buy the materials from JJ Food. They buy it in bulks as they get it at a discounted price. This is good for Rocco's Pizza as they get it cheaper and it is good for JJ Foods as they're getting a large order. Another way in which they use the finance is to pay the employee's wages. This is their major expenditure so they have to only get the right number of employees as they're not a very large business. Rocco's Pizza Also uses the finance available to expand on their business. For example they can buy more hi-tech equipment like a better oven. They can also use it to expand on the building itself as it is relatively small. Rocco's Pizza has the tough challenge of paying bills. They have to pay bills for water, electricity, heating, lighting and the worse of them all, business tax. They have to try and minimise any wasted resources in order to reduce bills. A way in which they could do this is by turning of the lights and radiators when they're not in use. A computer is an important financial resource to Rocco's Pizza. It is important to them as it is used to draw up financial data such as cash flow forecasts, budgets, profit & loss accounts and balance sheets. They can use this data to see how well their business if doings convince bank manager to take out a loan should they require one. Materials: The material resources are the equipments needed to make an item. For hygienic reasons, the staffs at Rocco's Pizza have to wear equipment while they are making the pizza. An example of an equipment wear is hairnets. This goes over the head and is used to prevent any hair pieces from falling on to the pizza. They also wear rubber gloves when preparing the pizza to stop and dirt or bacteria from spreading. This is used as a precaution when though the employees wash their hand before they are making pizza. Rocco's pizza has a computer located in their store which has many purposes. One of which is to order stock from JJ Food. They use the computer to select the amount of quantity they want and to enter their shipping and contact details. Another reason they use a computer is to design and print out their leaflets. They would use a software like Microsoft Word as it has a variety of features such as word art and a wide selection of fonts. They also have a till which is used to calculate the customer's order and is also used to print out their receipts. The till also contains change in which the cashier has to give to the customer if they don't have any change.